May 5, 2021

i tried that
mexican street corn

Ok, so this isn't your typical Cinco de Mayo food post. But it very well might be the best one ever.

street corn

It was May 4th at my local Publix, when I was purchasing all my groceries to make tacos for friends for international margharita day, when I thought to myself, "self, what do you want with your tacos tomorrow?" And since I'm all about the carbs but at the same time, I am trying to not eat as many, {tear}, I thought this would be a great opportunity to grill some corn!

So, I did what I normally do in times like these and pulled out my phone to do some Googling. Much to my surprise, it looked fairly easy. All I needed was some chili powder, some crumbly white cheese, limes, and...mayo?

I want to be the first to admit how wrong I was. I mixed everything up, smeared it on some corn and wrapped it in some aluminum foil and put them on the grill. When they were done, I squeezed some lime juice on them, another healthy dash of chili powder, and lightly dusted some of the crumbly cheese on top

Boy Howdythese things were a hit. Not only were all the margharitas gone at the end of the night, all the corn was too. It turned out to be the hit of the night. The creamy-ness mixed with the crunch of the corn and the spice. And the lime juice. Well you can only guess how well that went with the drinks. Plus, I put them on sticks, so they were so easy to walk around with. I am telling you right now, you must try these. They aren't only for food truck vendors anymore.

What do you think? Do you like street corn as much as I do? Did I leave out a secret ingredient that would take them to the next level? And what else do I need to throw on the grill? Because believe me, I'll try that!