March 14, 2021

the beginning -
Food: a love story

Yes folks, this love story begins on PI day.
The sacred day for lovers of sweets and geeks like me, or perhaps geeks who love sweets (again, me).
Join me as I explore the world and nerd out over food.


This whole journey of mine started one Monday, sitting at my desk at home working - because - well you know. When I got an email from Oracle about their PI day festivities. Immediately I was dissapointed in myself for not making a pie. I'm always looking for excuses to cook something. And this was no exception. So my friends, I did what any other app developer does in the middle of a sprint when things are a little slow. I went in to my pantry to find some ingredients to make a pie.

What was I to do? I couldn't make a pie to take a picture of and show off to my co-workers on this very special and monumental day of confection. So, I sat down at my desk - across from my husband who also works from home - and pouted.

And that is what started this journey, well that and my absolutely wonderful husband going out to buy me this beautiful tarte that you see above. And it was delicious. Every, Damn. Bite. How was this beautiful confection made? What would I need to buy to recreate this heavely treat? How long would it take to make? I MUST KNOW. So, again, I did what any other developer out there would do in my position. I did some Googling.

Let's just say things didn't turn out as pretty as this picture, but it did ignite a fire in me to try new things. And that I have. And I am going to share my new-found wisdom with you. If only to inspire you to try new things too. But hopefully to show you how breaking out of your box and learning new things really is the key to success. Not just in the kitchen, but in life.