September 15, 2021

i tried that
Pasta from scratch

I made homemade pasta. Like for real. And it was not bad at all if I do say so myself. Honestly, it was not as hard as I thought it would be either. Check it out.

homemade pasta

Alright, so HERE are the deets for the pasta that I made. Basically you need a couple cups of flour, 3 eggs, some olive oil, salt, and some water. All you have to do is mix the flour, eggs, olive oil, and salt together and then add a smidge of water at a time until you can get a smooth ball o dough. Once you have that, you just have to knead it for the longest time, so much so that you think your fingers may fall off your hands, followed by your wrists and forearms if you catch my drift. Once you have sufficiently torured your arms, just let the dough sit there for some minutes, no big deal.

Here is where things that I didn't try come in. The recipe calls for a pasta machine, but I just used lots of parchment paper on my prep table and rolled the ever loving Sh** out of that dough. It worked for me, but if you have a pasta machine, you might as well use that. Anyway, next I made slices with a pizza cutter. Seriously, I did. No rhyme or reason, just straight down the table into a bazillion different strips. I didn't try to make them pretty, but that didn't matter in the end.

I boiled this pasta for about 5 minutes after taking a break for a smidge to let the pasta rest again. That wasn't part of the recipe, I just did it because I wanted to. Then I tossed in some butter, cherry tomatoes, fresh basil, and some fresh off the block parmesean. And voila` perfect romantic dinner for two for the hubs and I's anniversary. Which was perfect since we still haven't gone to sit down in a restaurant for dinner in like a year and a half.

Have you made your own past or pasta sauce before? Is there anything I need to add to make it even better? Let me know if you try this or if there is something else you want me to try. I just might try that.